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Welcome to creating new profile for following magazines:
Svethardware.cz about computers and technology, Digimanie.cz about cameras and photography, TVFreak.cz about televisions and movies, Svetmobilne.czSvetaudia.cz, Relaxuj.cz

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Registration Policy

1. Owner of magazines from media group oXyMedia (Svět hardware, Svět mobilně, Svět audia, TV Freak, Digimanie and Relaxuj.cz) is oXyShop s.r.o. (oXyShop Ltd.), registered office at Brodská 570, 261 01 Příbram V-Zdaboř.

2. To use some functions of magazines is required registration, which is available to visitors for free.

3. Providing information for registration, visitor gives the permission to oXyShop s.r.o. within the meaning of Section 4, letter e) of Act No. 101/2000 Coll. to process and use the information for internal and marketing purposes. The data will not be provided to the third parties.

4. oXyShop s.r.o. reserves the right at any time in the future to require the provision of additional data and without providing the data may cancel the registration.

5. oXyShop s.r.o. reserves the right to cancel the registration in case of inactivity (unvisited pages of any of the magazines mentioned above) longer than 6 calendar months.

6. Use of discussion forums has its own rules. In case of their violation (for example becouse of "flame" or encouragement of ad blocking on the internet) oXyShop s.r.o. may limit functionality of the user profile or cancel the registration.

7. oXyShop s.r.o. assumes no responsibility for the activities of visitors.

By clicking on the button "Zaregistrovat" visitor is expressing consent with registration policy and receiving e-mails in selected amount, which could contain marketing materials from oXyShop s.r.o.